What factors contribute to persisting concussion symptoms weeks or months after the injury?

Sometimes individuals with pre-existing conditions such as migraines, ADD, ADHD, learning disabilities and depression or anxiety can take longer to recover.  Symptoms within weeks of having a concussion can mimic attention deficit or depression.  Other pre-existing conditions that contribute to prolonged recovery include drug or alcohol abuse, poor diet and perhaps certain genetic mutations.

Sometimes people in our lives contribute to ongoing discomfort; they might do too much for you or not enough in your time of need.  Sometimes regular life stressors such as moving, losing a job or a relationship around the time of an injury can increase recovery time.  Additionally, sometimes people can behave in such a way that maintains disability such as completely avoiding activities they used to do; even as symptoms may start to improve.  Avoiding all activity for prolonged amounts of time is viewed as maintaining a “sick role”.  We call this a biopsychosocial phenomena meaning that biological processes interact with psychological and social functioning. 

More about Concussion and  Post-concussion Syndrome